In many instances, a potential implant site in the upper or lower jaw does not offer enough bone volume or quantity to accommodate a dental implant of proper size or in the proper place. This is usually a result of bone resorption that has taken place since one or more teeth (if not all) were lost. Bone Grafting or Guided Bone Regeneration procedures usually try to re-establish bone dimension, which was lost due to resorption. A bone graft normally takes at least four to six months to heal, before a dental implant can be placed into it. There are times also that multiple grafts may be needed to produce the amount of bone needed. This is dependant on a persons health and amount of bone being grafted.

What is a bone graft?

bone_graft_maxilla2Bone grafting is the replacement or augmentation of the portion of the jaw bone that anchors the teeth. It's a surgical procedure that's often done to reverse the loss or resorption of bone that may have occurred due to tooth loss, trauma, disease or ill-fitting dentures, and to rebuild the bone structure beneath the gums in preparation for the placement of dental implants or other tooth replacements.
When bone graft is implanted in the jaw, it doesn't just simply fill a void in the bone; it may also help promote new bone growth in that location. When successful, bone grafting can restore both the height and width of your jaw bone. Theses types of grafts are harvested from the patient's own bone - usually from the jaw or the chin.

What about bone regeneration?

Bone regeneration is a surgical procedure using bone equivalent product and special membranes, that promotes the growth of new bone at sites having insufficient volumes or dimensions for proper placement of dental implants giving adequate function, ideal esthetic and prosthetic restoration.


Causes of bone loss

Bone loss can have many different causes – e. g. accidents, or inflammation of the gums and bone due to bacterial tooth plaque (periodontitis). Also after teeth  have been removed the height and thickness of the jaw bone diminishes due to  the lack of mechanical loading.
However, a sufficient amount of bone is essential to ensure longterm stability of  your dental implants or teeth. It can also be critical for ensuring the attractiveness of your teeth and gums.
